As 2017 starts, it's time to set goals for the upcoming year.
2017 Goals
Write at a minimum twice a week - I want to write regularly. What regularly entails is a bit vague at the moment but I'm convince at a minimum that means writing more than twice a week. I would love to ultimately start the planning stages of writing a novel and participate in NaNoWriMo in November 2017.
Read at least a book a month - Reading is knowledge. This is again a minimum goal but one that I hope I easily achieve. I hope to read/listen to a minimum of 12 books this year. I hope to improve my speed of reading in a effort to consume more knowledge and broaden my perspective as much as possible.
Take pictures once a week - Photography has become a main hobby of mine over the year. My pictures have really improved over but I feel like I'm only scratching the surface. I want to recommit to the goal of taking my camera out once a week as I have done most of 2016. With Baby Jack here in a couple days and Lillian enjoying her 3rd year on the planet, I want to capture them as much as possible. My motive here is both selfish because I want to remember these years for the rest of my life but also for my children so they can see what they will not be able to remember.
Not do things out of guilt - I have allowed myself for most of my life to do things out of guilt or a feeling of obligation when maybe it has not been justified. Not only does this lead to resentment later on but it also cheapens the motives of my actions at the time. While a part of me on the inside feels the opposite action is to go down a very selfish path of living one's life, I know there is an in-between here that I can find.
What are your goals for 2017?